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TESDA, DEPED train 30 Apayao CAFGUS on masonry, carpentry

A total of 30 Citizen Armed Force Geographical Unit (CAFGU) members graduated from Masonry NC II and Carpentry NC II conducted by the Technical Education Skills and Development Authority (TESDA) Provincial Office in coordination with the Department of Education – Alternative Learning System (DepEd ALS) on April 15, 2019.

Technical Education Skills Development Specialist I Hazel Torida lauded the trainees for completing the 20-day training.

“Being able to acquire national certification will lead you to success. Rest assured that we will continue to reach all clients and provide them services that they are entitled to,” she said.

During the graduation ceremony, certificates of training were awarded to the CAFGUs for satisfactorily completing the requirements of the skills training in carpentry and masonry.

Mayor Bobby Balanay of Santa Marcela, Apayao said that the graduates should continue to practice and utilize the skills they have gained in the training.

“You have studied and trained well in this area where creativity and technical skills are nurtured and you have become empowered because of this intervention. We believe at this point of your life you can now be able to create employment opportunities for you to become better. With your skills and abilities in carpentry and masonry, you now have a one-step advantage over the workforce,” he said.

He reiterated that having a diploma is an advantage in looking for a job in the appropriate industry.

Meanwhile, Technical Sergeant Carlos Abon, First Sergeant Bravo Company of 77th Infantry Batallion, 5th Infantry Division, Philippine Army gave an inspirational message.

“Don’t you know that some of our regular enlisted personnel of AFP started as CAFGU? Never quit and never lose hope,” he said.

He also urged the graduates not to belittle themselves and instead motivated them to be proud of their sacrifices for the country.

Preshely Daraquit, DepEd ALS coordinator, reminded the trainees to be focused, review what they have learned in the past 20 days in order to pass their competency assessment in Carpentry NC II on April 16, 2019.

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